Pioneer Club from ForeTVHub is the community of users with exclusive access to original afro-centric content and the co-owners of our company through FairShares wealth distribution policy of ForeMedia Group, the mother company of ForeTVHub.
What Do I Get from Pioneer Club?
Pioneer Club first annual subscription of $49.99 will give you unlimited access to Original Movies, TV Shows and Documentaries, Exclusives Live TV, Live Events and More, Millions of Songs, Podcast and Books, Amazing pieces of Arts & Culture Content, Latest News, Sports, Celebrity and Health, and 10 units of free FairShares Points. The FairShares points will be converted to 10 units of Ordinary Shares of the ForeMedia Group.
ForeMedia FairShares is our business philosophy for creating and sustaining networks of solidarity enterprises whereby founders, investors, workers, and users become owners of ForeMedia Group PLC. Our Company draws long-term plans for economic and social equality, building wealth for everyone through our business model.
The Harvard study claims that 90% of citizens are impoverished by private sector business practices. The FairShares model stimulates change to support growth in the social economy, creating an adequate arrangement for recognising contributions of intellectual, human, social and natural capital.
Enjoy Entertainment and Make Income!
Start Enjoying truly African experience from your own home and build wealth in an ethical, pioneering global digital media company which is already up and running, is potentially a win-win situation.
ForeTVHub is available to smartphones, and both windows and computers.