Afrocentric entertainment and media content is the world’s fastest-growing market in years to come. It enjoys 5% rapid annual growth in the global market with an additional $10 billion in yearly revenue to the industry. ForeMedia Group is the sole repository of Afrocentric entertainment and media content, building the first digital ecosystem for African Creators worldwide.


Being creative is in the mindset of an African. You can see it. You can hear it. And you can feel it. In filmed and video content, music, and African storytelling. Rich one-of-a-kind stories, told by inspiring individuals to be distinguished audiences around the world. 

At ForeMedia Group, we are a catalyst and natural extension to creative talent from Africa and Beyond. We provide creative direction, mentoring, and distribution across the entire digital entertainment landscape to give African creatives a voice on a global stage. A voice that resonates in fascinating films and videos, alluring music, and captivating writings. In other words, authentic African stories that inspire to think, connect, and share.






Black Creative Stars


Brains and Talents

Brains and Talents Academy Awards

Mobile App


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world war 3


world war 3


world war 3


world war 3


world war 3


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world war 3


world war 3


world war 3


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